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CBD and THC Infused Coffee: Recipe and Benefits


Should You Try Cannabis or CBD Infused Coffee?

Coffee, in itself, provides that much-needed jolt, especially on slow, dreary Monday mornings. We’ve all been there. But, if you want to enhance the experience by adding some cannabis or CBD, you can very much do so. Before diving in, just make sure to consider the essentials, like proper dosage, strain choice, and the amount/type of coffee to drink.

Better yet, consult your doctor or ask an industry professional for guidance. They’ll be able to give you sound advice, and may even provide you with some recipes to try out.

The cannabis and coffee combination can be a double-edged sword. Some people see it as a match made in heaven, while others avoid it as though they were mixing vodka and cheap tequila.

However, there’s a whole new discussion surrounding CBD-infused coffee. CBD has become the wunderkind of the wellness industry, and because it bears no psychotropic effects, it’s seen as a perfect complement to a mind-altering substance like caffeine.

Today, we’ll take a look at cannabis versus CBD infused coffee, and how differently they affect people. After reading this, you’ll have a better notion of whether combining THC or CBD with coffee is right for you.

What About CBD-Infused Coffee?

This one follows the same principle as the aforementioned, except CBD is infused into the brew as opposed to THC-rich cannabis. The most popular method is to add a few drops of CBD oil right into the coffee.

But, others coat their coffee beans with CBD (it apparently works well when using either a French press or an infuser mug) while others go the traditional route of adding in the ground herb directly.

What Happens When You Mix Cannabis or CBD With Caffeine?

There’s a reason many folks adhere to the cannabis/CBD and caffeine combo. But, what exactly happens when you make these infusions?

  • Cannabis (THC)

Looking at it on the surface level, you can understand the argument presented by cannabis coffee drinkers. Some see marijuana as an “enhancer” to the kick that coffee provides.

Pundits suggest sativa strains (or, more accurately, strains containing landrace sativa terpenes such as limonene and terpinolene) for enhanced creativity and energy levels. Whereas, if you want a more relaxed morning without the caffeine jitters, they advise indica strains rich in terpenes like myrcene and linalool.

  • CBD

Based on preliminary studies, one of the potential benefits of the CBD and coffee combo is a reduction of caffeine jitters.

As previously mentioned, caffeine inhibits adenosine receptors, which ultimately causes a person to feel more alert. However, caffeine also causes a rise in dopamine levels.

For some people, that extra dose of dopamine may wire them up, resulting in an unpleasant experience overall.

But, as studies have shown, CBD demonstrates the potential to reduce tension. That also means a depletion in jitters caused by caffeine.

Then there’s the connection between CBD and enhancing the mental alertness brought on by caffeine. Based on other studies, this appears to stem from cannabidiol’s potential ability to regulate serotonin, aka the “happy chemical”.

What Is Cannabis-Infused Coffee?

The name is self-explanatory. Those who want to upgrade their morning cup of Joe add in a healthy serving of THC to kick it up a notch.

There are several ways to do this. Some add their ground herb into hot water alongside their coffee grounds, though this is not the most efficient nor effective way.

Does CBD Coffee Get You High?

As any cannabis user, or Google, will tell you, CBD will not get you high. It does not possess the same mind-altering effects as THC, and it's relationship with our internal systems is different.

If anything, CBD’s perceived tension-reducing effects could potentially help some people avoid the jitters and rush of nervous energy that caffeine can bring. At worst, it may counteract coffee’s energizing effects.

Are There Any Side Effects of Cannabis or CBD Infused Coffee?

Yes, there are some potential side effects, most of which are minimal and stem largely from the caffeine.

Given the relationship between caffeine, THC, and adenosine, cannabis-infused coffee has the potential to cause the jitters, paranoia, and an unpleasant high.

CBD, on the other hand, is less likely to exert side effects, but here too elevated tension is a possible side effect, as well as potential sleepiness.

It all comes down to how much you take. While underdosing may render very little to no effects, going over the recommended amount may lead to an unpleasant experience.

That goes for all three substances. A caffeine overload in itself may put you in a bad spot.

Why Put Cannabis or CBD in Coffee?

Particularly with CBD, studies about its plausible benefits when combined with caffeine are ongoing. As expected, there will be both advantages and drawbacks.

But, for this section, we’ll be focusing on why infusing CBD or cannabis into coffee can be a good idea.


  • May enhance the alertness and “creative euphoria” that caffeine brings

  • Could provide a soothing effect

  • Cannabis terpenes like limonene are known for their potential to relieve tension and elevate mood


  • CBD’s potential to reduce tension may also help reduce caffeine jitters

  • Potential to enhance mental alertness due to its perceived ability to increase neurochemical levels

  • The jump in serotonin potentially caused by CBD may also help in depleting tension levels

How Much Cannabis or CBD Should You Put in Coffee?

We gave you a general idea of how much CBD or cannabis to infuse into your coffee, but the ideal amount will depend on your preferences and tolerance for both substances. Below are some starting points for first-time users looking to remain cautious.


For cannabis, half a gram would be a good amount. Especially if you’re infusing for the very first time, this should allow you to feel things out before going deep. Remember, you can always add more.


As for CBD oil, a full dropper should be your safe zone to jump off from. Once you get used to it, you can gradually increase.

Here’s one thing to keep in mind for both: infused beverages take time to kick in. It may seem like a sensible idea to consume more, but you may end up getting the raw end of the deal. With a little patience, you will get your desired effects.

How To Make Cannabis or CBD Infused Coffee

The great thing about making cannabis or CBD infused coffee is that it’s relatively straightforward. As long as you have the required ingredients, you’ll be able to make your very own concoction at home.

What You Need for Cannabis or CBD Infused Coffee

  • Saucepan

  • Baking sheet

  • 3 cups of water

  • 2 tablespoons of butter or coconut oil

  • 1 gram of your preferred strain (THC or CBD rich)

  • Cup of coffee

  1. The cannabinoids in raw cannabis require activation through decarboxylation to take effect. To turn THCA into THC or CBDA into CBD, place your herbs on a baking sheet and leave them in the oven at 110°C (230°F) for 45 minutes.

  2. Pour the water into the saucepan and bring it to a boil. Next, add in the butter or coconut oil (the latter is deemed the healthier option).

  3. Place your decarboxylated weed into the saucepan. You can play around with the amount, but a pinch or two is recommended per cup of coffee.

  4. Let it simmer for about half an hour. Once you see the liquid mixture bubble, that’s when you know the weed and oil/butter have thoroughly bound together.

  5. Strain the mixture to sift out any excess plant matter.

  6. Pour the cannabis mixture into your coffee and enjoy your spiked brew.

Can CBD Oil Go in Coffee?

As we mentioned in an earlier section, another way of dosing your coffee with cannabis is by using its oil variant.

CBD oil is a good way to dose, and the effects you’ll feel will rightly depend on the amount you use. But, the standard recommendation is around 5mg of CBD per serving of coffee (usually around a teaspoon and a half).

Feel free to add more drops as you go along. But, if you want to be on the safe side, consult a professional before doing so.

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